Thursday, September 15, 2011

Breezy Harbors and HOT Nights

Day 4 of my European Journey (8/23/11)
We got up at a normal time, grabbed breakfast (more cheese pastries), and caught the bus from Supetar to Sumartin midday. We had four hours until the next ferry to Makarska would leave, so we found the tourist office and dumped off our bags. Then we found this covered pier that a restaurant had tables at. I ordered my newfound addiction, peach iced tea, and Julia had a coke. We sat for a while talking and marveling over the water polo court in this harbor too!

The water polo court in Sumartin
It was so peaceful in Sumartin. There was a steady breeze to cool us off and the cove that we sat in was gorgeous. There were hardly any tourists around and the locals were very friendly. An Italian family sat near us and the childres were catching little crabs in a net. One exclaimed "Quest'รจ enorme!" (This one is enormous!) There was also a couple sitting in the vicinity who were showing their affection for one another a little too much for a public table. I have to admit that Sumartin was very romantic, so I didn't really blame them.

After a while we ordered pasta bolognese and a salad to split so we didn't have an empty stomach on the ferry. Another iced tea later it was time to get out luggage and head to the ferry. There was a large group of young German tourists that we sat near and Julia was listening to what they were talking about. This ferry did not have an outdoor upper deck, so I was eating bread to keep myself from getting nauseous. 

The ferry only took about 35 minutes and we had some more amazing views of the mountains on the coast. We saw some caves on the way into the harbor and later asked about them in our hostel: apparently one is a bar and the other is a nightclub! We pondered going to one of them with Paul once he arrived the next night.

Makarska was much bigger than we expected and it was loaded with tourists. There was a market along the promenade that sold all sorts of souvenirs, clothes, jewelry and more. We meandered through and looked at all of the little outdoor restaurants to see what looked good. We weren't too hungry so we continued further to the nice restaurants along the local beach. We found one that looked good (most of the restaurants have pictures of their menu items that lure you to them or deter you from them) and got a table. Our waiter was fascinated by us because we were from the US. He said he was happy to see more and more Americans visiting Croatia because that meant that their tourism industry was doing well. He kept calling us the "ladies from Chicago" and gave us each a free glass of brandy with our dinner. We both got kebabs with fries (everything comes with french fries in Croatia) and shared a salad with feta cheese. On our way back to the hostel, Julia got gelato and I got a pancake (a crepe). It had chocolate sauce and ground hazelnuts inside of it and was delicious! I couldn't finish it all because it was so rich and I was pretty full from dinner, but my first European pancake experience was delightful.

Again we went to sleep early because we were so tired from the hot sun and moving hostels. All night this one spanish girl kept turning off the air conditioning even though it must have been at least 80 degrees! Everyone was sweating and having trouble sleeping, but she had a wool blanket and sheet on top of her!!! Crazy Spanish people...

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